Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Post 3: First Amendment Clauses

As election season is starting to heat up this September, there has been controversy with political rallies. Should they be done this year during the COVID pandemic? Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany defends President Trump's efforts to keep rallies running. Particularly, citizens are exercising their First Amendment rights by attending. She elaborates by saying there is a double standard when it comes to citizen's protests due to the Nevada rallies being canceled. 

Controversy continued when recapping how some North Carolina supporters were not wearing masks hosted outdoors at an airport. Since I attended, I can say with certainty it was not bad at all. Most everyone followed the rules and I was not near anyone who was not wearing a mask. Sure, I saw some who didn't, but it was mostly due to the humidity and not done out of spite. Near the end of Trump's speech, I almost fainted from wearing the mask, but luckily I didn't. 

McEnany stands by her position about North Carolina by saying, "People have a First Amendment right if they so choose to show up and express their political opinion in the form of a peaceful protest which is what the president has held and there is a real double standard here," McEnany continues, "CNN had on a guest, apparently a doctor, Rob Davidson, who said, 'Now, true, there are social distancing issues with regard to the protests around the country. However, this is a public health crisis. They are marching against systemic racism.' So if you're allowed to march in aggregate in those protests, you are also allowed to show up at a political rally. You have a First Amendment right in this country."

During Donald Trump's speech in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, he stated, "Your state should be open. It should be open." 

I, for one, would agree. The only other state that is not open right now is Michigan.  Governor Cooper is one of few, if not the only one, to place our state in "Stage 2.5" as he terms it. 

To see if the claims about our First Amendment rights are a valid concern, let's take a look at the 6 clauses outlined: 

1. Freedom from religion

2. Freedom of religion

3. Freedom of speech 

4. Freedom of press

5. Freedom of peaceable assembly

6. Freedom to petition the government 

According to this list of clauses, or freedoms, it is easily seen Trump's Rallies covers at least two. 

#3 Freedom of speech, and #5 Freedom of peaceable assembly

Freedom of speech works for both what the President states and the presence of the supporters and their verbal responses to Trump's words. 

Freedom of peaceable assembly is prevalent due to a consensus of everyone there being for the desire to vote for Trump. Most importantly, unlike in some events recently in the world, there is no defamation, rioting, nor animosity from the supporters. The expression of the supporters' freedom is just shouting and yelling in agreement while waiving flags or Trump hats. 

Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany is in the right to defend Trump for his rallies. Donald Trump makes sure with the governors of each state his events are cleared and all precautions are taken for everyone's well being. I can personally attest to this. 

Article Referenced: First Amendment and COVID

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